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One-Pot Dinners- Oxtail

This is the beginning of a beautiful meal! I love how everything just comes together and each item contributes it's own something to the wholesomeness and flavour of the dish.

The best thing about this meal though is being able to serve it for an evening with friends, for the family to tuck into or even just for one with plenty to freeze and reheat on demand. The one drawback though is that it needs to be planned ahead of your mealtime because it needs a minimum of 3hrs in the oven to really marry the flavours. Fresh herbs are best but I've used dried herbs in this recipe as that's what I had available when I took photos of the process.

Give it a go and tag me on instagram! I beg you, respect yourself when it comes to chilli. If you can't hack it, don't add it. Looking forward to a little food engagement. 😋

Recipe - Serves 2-3

1kg oxtail

1 red onion

2 bouillon cubes

3 habanero chillies

2 tbsp thyme

2 tbsp paprika

1 tbsp ginger powder

1 tbsp garlic powder

1 tbsp rosemary

1 tbsp basil

1 tbsp marjoram

1 tsp nutmeg

2 bay leaves

1 tbsp salt

1 tbsp ground black pepper

12 baby potatoes

2 medium carrots


- Mix together all the herb and spices and then mix in all the oxtail pieces.

Ingredients pictured

- Cover and leave to marinate overnight in the fridge. N.B. If you don't have time for it to sit in the spices, go straight to sealing the meat.

Oxtail under mountain of herbs and spices

- 5hrs before serving time, remove the oxtail from the fridge and allow about an hr to come to room temperature.

Seasoned Oxtail

- In an oven safe frying pan or cast iron skillet, heat the oil on a high heat and brown the oxtail pieces on all sides, then add half a litre of water and turn off the cooker.

- Cover the pan and place in a cold oven then set the temperature to 135°C with the timer set to a minimum of 160mins.

Covered pan in oven

- Scrub and chop the carrots into 1 inch pieces and rinse and quarter the baby potatoes.

- At the end of the 140mins, add the potatoes along with the carrots to the pan then cover again.

- Return to the oven for a further 40mins.

- Remove from the oven and leave covered and on the side for at least 10minutes before serving.

Oxtail after 10mins resting

- Enjoy...

Serving Suggestion

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