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Spicy Herby Rack of Lamb

If you saw the photo I posted on instagram tonight, I understand why you're reading I'm not the best photographer but I hope the photos do enough justice to entice your tastebuds and cajole you over to the website.

I love lamb but it's annoying how fatty the meat is so I prefer to make it with absolutely no oil! Making a rack of lamb is daunting for most because the worry tends to be "what if the middle isn't cooked?" or "what if the seasoning doesn't penetrate through to the middle pieces of meat?". Well let me encourage you with a little guidance and a tried and tested recipe!

1. Be patient!! Don't rush the process. A low temperature will get the job done.

2. Marinade!! A good marinade is necessary to get that flavour through the rack.

3. Let it rest!! Give the meat a chance to rest before you carve and serve. It'll get the juices flowing and if nothing else, will make your kitchen smell #nomnomnom!


1 rack of lamb

1 tbsp dried rosemary

1 tbsp dried thyme

2 cloves garlic

1 tbsp black pepper

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp salt

1 tsp chilli (optional)



- Dry off the meat with a paper towel then wrap each of the exposed bones with a little foil to stop it from burning.

- Score the fat with criss-cross marks, letting the knife reach the fleshy part of the meat. This is how you get the flavour through the meat.

- Rub the rosemary, thyme and pepper into the meat, making sure to push some of the herbs into the meat where you've scored the flesh.

- Smash the garlic and break it up using the back of a knife or your fingers. Push it into the gaps in the fat.

Lamb prepped for the oven

- Rub the salt and paprika all over the meat and cover in cling film.Leave in the fridge overnight or for at lest 2 hrs.

- 90mins before you'd like to eat, put into the oven at 170°C for 65 mins. (No need to preheat the oven). For a further 10minutes, place the rack fat side up under the grill for 10 minutes. You'll be surprised at how much fat comes off the lamb.

Cooked rack of lamb after 10minute rest

- Rest the meat for at least 10minutes before carving into chops and serving. I like mine medium so I always go for the centre chops. Everyone else gets the edges 😋

Perfectly cooked lamb

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