Tamarind Chicken Wings
I love chicken wings but I very rarely make them. I don't know why I don't because it's such good firm meat on the bones and it's nice dark meat too plus it soaks up flavour really well AND cooks really quickly. Okay, I've convinced myself I need to make them more often!
I've seen tamarind paste at the store a few times and I always wondered what to do with it so I decided against google and instead, opted for a taste test and decided to try it out on chicken wings with a few other strong ingredients to taste if it would still be tart, citrusy and salty. It worked! The citrus flavour is more subtle even with the addition of some lemon water and the cumin didn't stand out. If you've cooked with cumin, you know it can be a little strong and overpowering.
This is an easy recipe to prep the night before and leave in the fridge overnight for when you get back from work. It's an easy addition to a salad or good for a post-gym additional protein option.
10 chicken wings
1 tsp tamarind paste
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp ginger powder
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp oil
2 tbsp lemon water (1 tsp lemon juice in 30ml water)
- Pour all the condiments onto the chicken and leave in the fridge for a minimum of 15minutes.
- Put a frying pan on the hob and add a tablespoon of oil to it. Heat on high heat.
- Add the chicken to the pan and turn the heat down to medium. (My cooker runs from 1-9, I started at 9 and dropped it down to 5)

- Fry the chicken wings for 3 minutes on each side then add the lemon water to the pan and put foil over the pan, leaving it on a medium heat for 4 minutes.

- Voila! Enjoy!!